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Somos la familia del patinaje panameño para:

  • Patinaje de Velocidad (Speed)
  • Skateboarding 
  • Patinaje Extremo (Aggressive) 
  • Patinaje Artístico
  • Patinaje Downhill 
  • Roller Inline Hockey 
  • Patinaje Inline Alpine 
  • Patinaje Freestyle 
  • Rink Hockey 
  • Roller Derby 
Más info de cada una en:


La APP esta reconocida por PanDeportes, la máxima institución deportiva de la República de Panamá.

Miembro de la Fédération Internationale de Roller Sports

The Federation Internationale de Patinage a Roulettes (FIPR) was formed in 1924 as an international sport organization to conduct roller hockey competitions between the few national federations which were already engaged on an informal basis in such competitions in western Europe. This fundamentally hockey oriented group was originated in Montreux, Switzerland in April of 1924 by two Swiss sportsmen, Fred Renkewitz and Otto Myer, who had close ties to the International Olympic Committee. Myer was IOC Chancellor. Four European countries were represented at this meeting: Switzerland, Great Britain, Germany and France. The first President of the FIPR was Fred Renkewitz, who served from 1924 until 1960. Immediately a plan was developed to hold an April 10, 1926 European Championships in England, which was then the dominant power for Rink Hockey, the British having organized this sport on a national level since before WWI. The 1926 championships had six countries participating, which included the addition of teams from Belgium and Italy. Under the Presidency (1964 to 1973) of Victoriano Oliveras de la Riva, a Spaniard, the FIPR changed its name to Federation Internationale de Roller Skating (FIRS) in the mid 1960's to become officially recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as the international governing body for all roller skating. There was much interest, originating in Europe, for making the sport of roller skating a participant in the Olympic Games. Such IOC recognition is first necessary for inclusion in the Olympic Games. In the 1970’s, the General Association of International Sport Federations (GAISF) gave similar membership recognition to FIRS.

Miembro del Comité Olímpico de Panamá


Junta Directiva

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Somos la Asociación Panameña de Patinaje (APP)
Entidad reconocida por PANDEPORTES. Organismo deportivo sin fines de lucro en la DGI.
RUC 25035254-3-2017 DV 88